We study English at CPI Julia Becerra Malvar in Barrantes and this is our blog wherewe can express our experiences, feelings and opinions about a variety of topics
-Do more exercise
-Go to visit Madrid.
-Take a lot of photos in Andorra.
-Pass all the subjects.
-Have a good summer.
-Meet more people.
-Learn more English.
-Have a new mobil phone.
I´m going to find a job
I´m going to earn a lot of money
I´m going to take a trip to London
I´m going to drink less alchohol
I´m going to join a gym
I´m going to study more
I´m going to eat healtier
- Go to Kenpo Spanish's championship and win a medal
- Score more goals that last year
- Have good marks
- Meet new people
- Travel to other countries
- Have a good summer
- Talk english better
- Do more exercise
- Eat more varied
- Not have silly mistakes in exams
- Speak lower
- Help my mother more
- Not watch so much television
- Read more books
Everybody starts a new year with a lot of expectations for the nearest future. We usually decide to make changes in our life, changes that will make us happier. So, what are your new year's resolutions for 2015?