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Thursday, 15 January 2015

Uxía Señoráns Diz

My New Year´s Resolutions:

  • Do exercise
  • Don´t bite my nails
  • Study more
  • Read more books
  • Save money
  • Eat healty
  • Talk more with my friends

Ricardo Barreiro Chaves.

My new year´s resolutions are:

-Do more exercise
-Go to visit Madrid.
-Take a lot of photos in Andorra.
-Pass all the subjects.
-Have a good summer.
-Meet more people.
-Learn more English.
-Have a new mobil phone.

Rebeca Abal Tello

My new year's resolutions
  1. Do more exercise.
  2. Eat more healthy.
  3. Have better marks in exams.
  4. Be bold.
  5. Be able.
  6. Look after of my cats.
  7. Fly to Italia. 

sara cacabelos cores

My new year`s resolutions are :

  1. Eat healthy 
  2. Help more my family
  3. Have better marks in my exams and this trimester
  4. Go to asturias
  5. Learn to ski
  6. Fight less with my sister
  7. Have a new dog.

Laura Cacabelos Cores

My new year's resolutions:

1- Have a better marks in the exams.
2- Healthy eating
3- Help at home
4- Study more
5- Have a new dog
6- Win a competition (running)

Martin Castellano

My New Year's  Resolutions :
.Study more
. Work more
. i want to cook
. i want a best football player
. i want to have  good  summer
. be the best
. pass the english exam

Uxía Álvarez Cores


*Finish school this year
*Study more
*Not get up later
*Have a good behaviour
*Pass my exams
*Have a good summer
*Get 5 kilos

Iago Dominguez Muñiz

My new year's resolution

-Join a gym
-Go back to school
-Save money
-Help others persons
-Make more english exercises
-Study more
- Finaly pass english

Lara Rodríguez Rey

My New Year Resolutions:

  • - Eat healthy food.
  • - Do more exercise.
  • - I want to go to France, París.
  • - Get better marks.
  • - Spend more time with my friends and my family.
  • - Save money.

Gonzalo Falcón Penín


I´m going to find a job
I´m going to earn a lot of money
I´m going to take a trip to London
I´m going to drink less alchohol
I´m going to join a gym
I´m going to study more
I´m going to eat healtier


My new year resolutions:

-To study more
-To do all homework
-To get good marks
-To get fit
-Don´t wait until tomorrow
-Help more at home

Miguel Castro Santiso

My new year's resolution:

- Go to Kenpo Spanish's championship and win a medal
- Score more goals that last year
- Have good marks
- Meet new people
- Travel to other countries
- Have a good summer
- Talk english better

My year's resolutions Marcos Graña

-To do a long haul by bike
-To get better marks
-To do whatever  I propose to do
-To rest more hours 
-To spend more time with my family

Álvaro González González

New Year Resolutions:

-To get good marks.
-To have a good summer.
-To get fit.
-Save money to take a trip.
-Don't fotget homework.
-To improve my English.

Eva Castro Cores

- Do more exercise
- Eat more varied
- Not have silly mistakes in exams
- Speak lower
- Help my mother more
- Not watch so much television
- Read more books

Rafa Vilas


I want to study more,and get better marks
I want to eat healthy
I want to pay more atention in the class
I want to join a gym
I want to go to london

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


Everybody starts a new year with a lot of expectations for the nearest future. We usually decide to make changes in our life, changes that will make us happier. So, what are your new year's resolutions for 2015?